Anyone vs. any one
Becker Becker

Anyone vs. any one

Anyone references no person in particular while any one refers to a single person which makes up a group. If you are unsure which version to use, if you can replace the word with “any”, then you would use any one instead of anyone.

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Amount vs. number
Becker Becker

Amount vs. number

Both amount and number mean quantity or amount. Amount is used with mass nouns (small, large) while number is used with count nouns (five, those).

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Amiable vs. amicable
Becker Becker

Amiable vs. amicable

Both amiable and amicable mean friendly, but amiable refers to people while amicable references relationships.

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Amend vs. emend
Becker Becker

Amend vs. emend

Amend refers to making minor changes, while emend means to remove mistakes from something, such as a text.

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Alternate vs. alternative
Becker Becker

Alternate vs. alternative

Alternate and alternative as nouns have the same meaning. Alternate is more popular in North America while you’re more likely to find alternative used in UK English.

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Altar vs. alter
Becker Becker

Altar vs. alter

Altar refers to a table used in religious ceremonies while alter is a verb meaning change in character or composition.

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