Becker Becker

Career vs. careen

As a noun, career means occupation or the progress of an organisation through history. As a verb, career and careen can mean to more swiftly in an uncontrolled way. Career is used in British English while careen is used in American English.

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Becker Becker

Carat vs. karat

Carat refers to a unit of weight of precious stones and a measure of the purity of gold in British English while karat means a measure of the purity of gold in American English.

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Becker Becker

Carat vs. karat vs. caret

Carat refers to a unit of weight of precious stones and a measure of the purity of gold in British English while karat means a measure of the purity of gold in American English. Caret, on the other hand, refers to a mark placed on a manuscript.

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Becker Becker

Capital vs. capitol

Capital means a seat of government, capital letters or wealth while capitol refers to a building which houses a legislative assembly.

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Becker Becker

Censer vs. censor vs. sensor

Censer is a container containing incense while censor is an official who examines content to suppress parts deemed unacceptable. Sensor, on the other hand, is a device that detects things such as light or movement.

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Becker Becker

Cannon vs. canon

Cannon refers to an artillery weapon while canon has a variety of meanings. If you’re not referring to a weapon, the word you’re looking for is probably canon!

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