Censer vs. censor vs. sensor
What does censer mean?
Censer is a noun which refers to a container containing intense used in religious ceremonies.
For example:
She placed a censer on every table in the room.
What does censor mean?
Censor is a noun which means an official who examines books, films or other content to suppress parts that are deemed unacceptable. As a verb, censor means to suppress parts of a book, film or other content that have been deemed unacceptable.
For example:
The film was deemed suitable for children by the censors (noun).
The news station censored her swearing (verb).
What does sensor mean?
Sensor is a noun meaning a device which can detect or measure things such as light or movement.
For example:
This machine uses electronic sensors to detect intruders.
What’s the difference between censer, censor and sensor?
Censer is a container containing incense while censor is an official who examines content to suppress parts deemed unacceptable. Sensor, on the other hand, is a device that detects things such as light or movement.
This sensor detected the movie was censored: the censor removed all mentions of religious objects, including the censers.