Auger vs. Augur
What does auger mean?
Auger is a noun which means a tool resembling a large corkscrew which is used for boring holes in wood.
For example:
· Can you pass me the auger?
What does augur mean?
Augur can be a verb or noun. The verb augur means to foretell a good or bad outcome. As a noun, augur refers to a religious official in ancient Rome who interpreted signs as an indication of divine approval or disapproval.
For example:
· This augurs well for our final performance (foretell a good or bad outcome).
· The augur said the gods disapproved of the proposed war (religious official).
What’s the difference between auger and augur?
An auger is a tool used for boring while augur means to foretell a good or bad outcome.
For example:
· Given she’s dropped the auger three times already, this doesn’t augur well for us to finish the project on time.