Admission vs. admittance

What does admission mean?

Admission is a noun which can mean a statement acknowledging the truth, or the process of entering, or being granted permission to enter, a place or organisation. Admission is usually used figuratively.

For example:

·      She was granted admission to a prestigious university.

What does admittance mean?

Admittance is the process of entering or being allowed to enter a place or organisation.

For example:

·      The gecko adhesion system is fascinating because it allows the cute little critters to scale walls with ease.

What’s the difference between admission and admittance?

Both admission and admittance mean the process of entering or being allowed to enter a place or organisation. Admission is often used figuratively while admittance has a more limited usage referring to physical entry.

For example:

·      The scientist’s adherence to studying the gecko adhesion system was admirable.


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