If you’re getting ready to pitch your novel to a publisher or agent, you’ll need more than just a fantastic novel.

Before a publisher or agent even looks at your wonderful story, they’ll be assessing your writing and style through your querying package. This package usually includes a combination of a query letter, synopsis, your author biography, and a sample of your novel.

This pre-querying package ensures your querying materials are in top shape so you stand the best chance at impressing a publisher or agent.

To start off, I will do a developmental edit of the first 5,000 words of your novel to ensure your start is engaging and to catch any early issues.

Next, I will assess your author biography, synopsis and query letter to make sure you are including the right information and your materials let your voice as a writer shine. I use Microsoft Word’s comment feature to leave in-text comments across your querying package so you know exactly where and how to implement my feedback.

I will also do a quick check for any glaring errors and typos in your author biography, synopsis and query letter.


The pre-querying package includes:

  • A developmental edit of the first few chapters of your novel (up to 5,000 words), including in-text comments in your manuscript and a short letter highlighting key strengths and areas to improve.

  • Feedback on your author biography (up to 200 words).

  • Feedback on your synopsis (up to 1000 words).

  • Feedback on your query letter (up to 500 words).


I understand you are keen to get your novel out there, so I will get your pre-querying package back to you as soon as I can. On average, I take 1-2 weeks to edit your pre-querying package from when I receive the materials.

What you need to do

I ask all clients to sign a contract which protects your rights to your novel and ensures I won’t share your work with anyone. You’ll also have the opportunity to complete an optional questionnaire so you can share your vision for your novel, publishing goals and target audience. Knowing this helps me tailor my advice to your unique circumstances.


The pre-querying package costs US$180/GBP£145/CAD$260/AUD$290/NZD$320.

When you should get the pre-querying package

Ideally, you should get the pre-querying package after you’ve had a developmental edit on your novel and have gone through several rounds of self-editing. This pre-querying package should be the final step you take before pitching your novel!


Is this the service you’re looking for? Head over to the booking page to arrange your edit.

If this isn’t what you had in mind, check out my developmental editing services or contact me for advice.

Pre-querying package