What is a flat character and how do you use them in your novel?
A flat character is a character who does not change much over the course of the novel or series, such as Agatha Christie's Miss Marple or Gandalf from Lord of the Rings.
What is juxtaposition? Definition and examples
Juxtaposition creates contrast between two or more concepts, such as light and darkness. This literary device is used to highlight the difference between the compared items, such as light being a source of hope while darkness represents despair.
What is a soliloquy? Definition and examples
A soliloquy is a speech or monologue directed at the speaker themselves which demonstrates their internal dialogue or inner thoughts.
What is a proverb? Definition and examples
A proverb is a popular saying that contains generally accepted advice or wisdom. Proverbs are short and are often metaphorical or indirect.
What is a homonym? Definition and examples
Homonyms are words which sound the same but have different meanings, such as flower and flour.
What is a polyptoton? Definition and examples
Polyptoton is the repeating of words derived from the same root. For example, hurried and hurrying derive from the same root word of hurry.
What is a capitonym? Definition and examples
Capitonyms are words whose meanings change when they are capitalised, such as mandarin (the fruit) and Mandarin (the language).
What is diction? Definition and examples
Diction is the phrasing and word choice that someone makes when writing. In other words, it's the individual choice of words that shapes the voice and style of your prose.
What is an allusion? Definition and examples
An allusion is a common or well-known reference to something, such as a person, event, thing, or place.
What is an isocolon (literary device)? Definition and examples
An isocolon is a literary device which repeats clauses of equal or near grammatical and structural form.