Relegate vs delegate

These words confuse a lot of writers because they have similar functions: giving someone else a task or role. However, there is an important nuance between both words.

Relegate is when someone is assigned a position that is lower than their current position. Our protagonist, an assistant manager, can’t be relegated to store manager, but if Mildred our favourite dragon-cow is the store manager, she can be relegated to assistant manager.

Relegate has a certain stigma associated with it, implying the person (or dragon-cow) relegated has done something wrong.

After the sales disaster, store manager Mildred was relegated to assistant manager. She was not happy she could no longer boss around our protagonist.

Delegate, on the other hand, means to assign responsibility or authority that currently sits with you. Another meaning of delegate is to appoint someone as a representative.

Our protagonist delegated tasks to Mildred, much to Mildred’s anger. In retaliation, Mildred delegated all of her tasks back to our protagonist and went home.


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