Denounce vs renounce

Here we are today with yet another pair of words that are similar, yet very different. As an editor, I do find some writers avoid words they are unsure of. I completely understand why people would do that, but in the wise words of our favourite dragon-cow Mildred, ‘One must not avoid things they fear’.

Before Mildred joined our dear protagonist, she was part of a dragon-cow religion where she served as a high dragon-cow priestess. When Mildred realised she did not believe in the fifty-seven dragon-cow commandments, Mildred decided to renounce her religion. Renounce means that someone rejects or relinquishes something. It can also mean to publicly state they no longer believe in something or will no longer do it. Mildred stood up in the middle of the dragon-cow prayer session and announced to all that she was leaving. She renounced her role as high dragon-cow priestess.

At a similar time, on the other side of the kingdom, our protagonist was leading a gang of rebels to bring down the monarchy. They denounced the queen’s reign in the town square until they were arrested by the guards. Denounce means to criticise or accuse and is often done in public. When Mildred heard about our protagonist’s arrest, she renounced her loyalty to the crown and vowed to free our protagonist from their prison.


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